суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

equipment kayak

Well I made it through and it was...really not bad. My surgery was at 10:30 this morning and I can see pretty darn well already. There is a lot of upkeep for my eyes for the next two weeks, multiple eye drops and such. The biggest pain is I canapos;t wear any eye makeup for TWO weeks. I donapos;t think I have gone that long without eye makeup since I was twelve. But it will be worth it. I have to go back the dr. Tomorrow at 11:00am so he can check the wound flaps and register what my vision is. It will gradually change and then stabilize over the next month. But as of right now, I can see really well except for halos around lights which is supposed to go away in a couple of days. Surprising this is I may not need reading glasses all the time. Except for really fine print I can read pretty well. I realize that my vision still has some changing to do but so far it is great. It is a really weird surgery. I was really nervous but they give you valium before the surgery so that you will be relaxed and less likely to move. The only really uncomfortable part was the "eye stretchers". They use a really strong tape type stuff and I had a reaction to the adhesive so my eyelids are red and irritated. For the most part the eyes felt dry and scratchy for the first few hours and with the various eye drops I have to use...they feel fine now. For now it is back to sleep for the night early. They sent me home with two doses of Dalmane to put me to sleep. The doc said sleeping a lot the first 12-18 hours helps speed the recovery time and the healing process.

So all in all it was a really ok procedure to live through. The next two weeks will really determine how successful the surgery is but so far...it rocks to be able to see without glasses:)

beautiful by christina aguleria, equipment kayak, equipment kayaking, equipment kba printing, equipment kci medical.

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